Over 10 years we help companies reach their financial and branding goals. Engitech is a values-driven technology agency dedicated.



411 University St, Seattle, USA


+1 -800-456-478-23

// Post-Quantum Secure Data Transmission Devices


We provide Post-Quantum Secure data transmission solutions through quantum-based hardware and radio link layer encryption for Industrial and Telecom applications.

video showcase

// Post-Quantum Secure Connectivity Devices


We provide Post-Quantum Secure data transmission solutions integrating quantum-based hardware  for Industrial and Telecom applications.

video showcase

// GoQuantum

secure communications

GoQuantum conjugates our expertise and experience in quantum technologies, telecommunications and information security to bring you cutting edge technological solutions for protecting your IoT, 4G/5G Networks in different scenarios. Potential applications and use cases include Banking, Smart Cities and Industrial Telecommunications.

// Our Devices

Test GoQuantum
devices today!

we are one of the first companies in the market offering directly  off-the-shelf Post-Quantum devices to test your network deployment with quantum-safe security. Accelerate your R&D or simply establish your own quantum-safe secure network.

Our products and developments are primary targeted to the Telecommunications and connectivity hardware industries including Internet of Things and RAN Networks

// technology index

What is it for?

GoQuantum is post-quantum interface technology. We use algorithms and hardware for enhanced network communications security, aware of, and safe under quantum threats. Protect your network with GoQuantum!

Accelerate towards Quantum

Early adoption of Post-Quantum Security Standards without a hefty investment.

Reduce Future Threats

Photon-based entropy and PQ Crypto greatly reduces the Quantum Risk.

Gain Competitive Advantage

Set aside of your competitors by adding future-proof security to your solutions.

// Change, before you have to. – Jack Welch

Learn more about us here!